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Donate with Paypal

PayPal is the convenient and secure method with which you can contribute to the realization of Amare ODV Onlus projects.

How to do it?

Four simple steps:

  1. 1. Use the PayPal button below to make a donation from the site.
  2. 2. Send a one-time donation or periodic donations by logging into your Paypal account or entering your credit card information.
  3. 3. Review and confirm the donation details.
  4. 4. Receive confirmation of the donation.

In Ethiopia we say “ameseghenallo”, simply thank you!

Make a offer

You can concretely support the projects of Amare ODV Onlus also by making a transfer to our bank account.

IBAN: IT 86 C 05387 11225 0000 42684702 BPER BANCA

Help us with a donation

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